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Say it ain't so – the “If-Not” conditional

<p>Suppose, in a grandfather clock, we want to implement a chime for all hours except the 00:00 hrs and 12:00 hrs, for which there is a long ring.</p> <p>Normally, we would check for each hourly time that is not a 12-hourly event, and for each comparison we would do the necessary sound effects. Or, if we are smart, combine all such comparison expressions with the logical OR operator (“||”) and do the check in just a single “if clause.” The pseudo-code would look something like this:</p> <p>if (time == “01:00hrs” || time==”02:00hrs” || … || time ==”23:00hrs){ </p> <p>trace(“C*HIME” + time); </p> <p>}else{</p> <p>trace(“Long-Ring” + time); </p> <p>}</p> <p>Clearly, this approach will not serve us well, since we would have to connect together 22</p> <p>ED: Commonly, spell out numbers under ten only. </p> <p>expressions in one conditional using OR operators. </p> <p>Recall that any conditional evaluates to a Boolean value. If the condition evaluates to true, then its COMPLEMENT evaluates to false, and vice-versa. What we need is a new operator: the NOT operator which is simply an exclamation point: !In the above example, if we want to check that the time is NOT '00:00', you'd simple write: if (!(time == “00:00”)) … See how easy that is?</p> <p>With a little thought, we can do the entire problem that way. Restructuring the above pseudo-code, we can write the following logical equivalent: </p> <p>if (! (time == “00:00hrs” || time == “12:00hrs)) { //if time is NOT 00:00 or 12:00</p> <p>trace(“Chime” + time); </p> <p>}else {</p> <p>trace(“Long-Ring” + time); </p> <p>}</p> <p>Of course, the above code could be rearranged (mainly, the order of the if-else clauses) as:</p> <p>if (time == “00:00hrs” || time == “12:00hrs”){ </p> <p>trace(“Long-Ring” + time); </p> <p>}else { </p> <p>trace(“Chime” + time); </p> <p>}</p> <p>Notice that when we turned a negative check to a positive check, the bodies of the if and else blocks were exchanged…the call to chime() went to the new else-clause, and the call to long-ring() went to the new if-clause. That is how Boolean logic works!</p>


We will learn about various conditionals related to ‘if’. The main focus is on the importance of brackets and conditionals such as if/else, if/else if…, nested if, if not etc.


Conditionals and Operators

Greater than the tutorials you'll find elsewhere, 02geek takes less time to teach how logical operators are directly linked to conditionals, and how conditional expressions can be formed using these o



We introduce the “if” construct and show how it can be used for making programming decisions while implementing the program logic



We explain the importance of using brackets with if, mainly to combine a sequence of operations, all to be performed on the same condition



We introduce the language mechanism for providing alternatives in code; ie,. to make decisions when we have 2 options


Else-if: dealing with multiple conditions

We introduce the else-if construct, to help make logic decisions when more than 2 options are available


Nested if conditional construct

We introduce the nested if construct, useful when there are more than one criteria of decision making, including one inside another


Nested if’s – The Answer

We introduce another approach to nested if’s organization: mainly inverting the nesting levels of if constructs


Say it ain't so – the “If-Not” conditional

We introduce how to reorganize condition checking code using if constructs having Not (!) operators in the conditionals
